White Fillings (Metal Free)

Restore your smile with natural-looking tooth-coloured fillings

What are white fillings?

White fillings, also known as composite fillings, are an alternative to traditional metal (amalgam) fillings. They are made of resin, and are designed to match the colour of your natural teeth. This makes them an ideal option for filling cavities in visible front teeth, but we can also use them on back teeth to look completely discreet.

White Fillings

Why are white fillings better than metal fillings?

Many of our patients prefer white fillings, because they can be blended in to the colour of your natural teeth, making them virtually invisible. This means that you can have a filling without anyone knowing.

Another benefit of white fillings is that they can bond directly to your tooth, which can help to strengthen the tooth structure. This is great for teeth that have been weakened by decay or large fillings that were done in the past.

Unlike metal fillings, they can be used to repair small to medium-sized cavities with minimal amount of tooth structure being removed. They can also be used to reshape teeth or to close gaps between teeth.

White Fillings

Why are white fillings better than metal fillings?

Many of our patients prefer white fillings, because they can be blended in to the colour of your natural teeth, making them virtually invisible. This means that you can have a filling without anyone knowing.

Another benefit of white fillings is that they can bond directly to your tooth, which can help to strengthen the tooth structure. This is great for teeth that have been weakened by decay or large fillings that were done in the past.

Unlike metal fillings, they can be used to repair small to medium-sized cavities with minimal amount of tooth structure being removed. They can also be used to reshape teeth or to close gaps between teeth.



White Fillings

What’s the procedure like for a white filling?

Our team at Belwell Dental will make sure that your experience is comfortable and stress-free.

The process is similar to other types of fillings you may have had, but with the added benefit of a natural-looking tooth. Our dentists will numb the area around the tooth and gently remove any decay. Then, we’ll place and shape the filling, and polish it to ensure a smooth and natural finish.

After the procedure, we’ll give you detailed instructions on how to care for your new filling, including things like avoiding hard or sticky foods for a short period of time and maintaining good oral hygiene. The procedure usually takes just one visit, but any follow-up will be discussed during your appointment.


White Fillings



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